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- Returning to sexual function
It can sometimes be a scary thought going back to sexual activity after having a baby.
We would encourage you to wait until you feel ready. If you have had any perineal trauma (stitches, tearing, episiotomy) – make sure the scar area is fully healed before trying any form of sexual activity. This could be anything between four to six weeks for healing, but some women do not feel ready for some months after this.
It is a good idea to massage the scar area daily once fully healed. Try and gently stretch the area with your finger until it feels comfortable enough to do so and the sensitivity in the scar area is settled.
Make sure you talk to your partner and take things slowly the first couple of times. It is usually advisable to use a lubricant in these early stages, even if you have never needed to before, just to reduce any friction on any sensitive areas. Try and stay as relaxed as you can throughout, as any tension in the muscles can make things more difficult and painful. Having a warm bath or shower before sexual intercourse can also help relax the muscles.
- Returning to usual exercise
Return to your usual exercise gradually, once you can complete stages 1-3 of the workout program.
For example, if you lift weights, start with the movement you would do, but without the weight and try and coordinate the pelvic floor with the effort part of the movement (i.e. lifting the weight) and relax after the effortful part is finished. Build up the weights you use gradually.
If you are returning to running, try to use a graded approach such as a ‘Couch to 5k’ app so that you are starting with a run/walk programme. Gradually build up the length of time you are running, mixed in with some walks so that your body can get used to this increased level of activity.
For more information on returning to running, please see the Resources page.
- Can I self-refer into the Perinatal Pelvic Health Service?
Self-referral to our new perinatal health service will be coming soon.
If you have issues or concerns surrounding your pelvic floor function, please contact your midwife, health visitor or GP.
- Can I massage my caesarean section scar?
Yes, once your wound is healed you can take time to work on your scar tissue, check out our blog for more information Caesarean Section Scar Massage - July 2023 - Squeeze Lift Hold
- Pelvic Health Exercises During and After Pregnancy
- Back and Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy
- Posture and Positioning
- Exercise During Pregnancy
- When To Start and How To Do Perineal Massage
- Bladder and Vaginal Problems
- Constipation During and After Pregnancy
- After Week One: Pain Management
- One Week After Birth: Bladder Care
- After Birth: Your Stomach Muscles
- After Birth: Return to Exercise
- How to do a pelvic floor exercise